Dental implants

Dental implants

Do you need dental implants in Cartagena?

What is a dental implant?

It is a titanium screw with a shape and size similar to a dental root and used to replace lost teeth. The placement of an implant requires a surgical procedure to fix it to the bone of the jaws, it is placed under local anesthesia, there is minimal bleeding and very little or no pain and postoperative inflammation. Today your treatment can be planned by computer based on high precision 3D tomographic images and minimal trauma at the surgical site. We have the highest standards of sterilization for your safety, it is not necessary to order antibiotics regularly. The implants require a time of bone-integration to remain stable and firm in the jaws, taking this between 4 and 6 months to place the definitive crowns. However, depending on the case, the bone quality and the patient's health, implants can be made with immediate loading by placing the implant and the crown in a single day.

In all cases we use Surgical Guides for their precision, this allows us to place implants in a time of 3 to 5 minutes per implant.

We only use implants of brands recognized for their high quality standards: Bicon (USA), Straumann (Switzerland), Ankylos (Germany) and Biohorizons (USA). For those patients with fears or fear of dental treatments, with the help of our anesthesiologist.

We offer conscious sedation with Nitrous Oxide or intravenous sedation, this ensures the placement of implants without pain and without stress. It is not general anesthesia.

What exams are required?

When carrying out the clinical history with all the information on medical - odontological, family and personal history, we proceed to perform a 3D computerized tomography in our Radiological Center.
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    After analyzing the volumes and bone quality at the site to place the implant, we selected the implant brand to be used with the dimensions as length and diameter according to bone volume. Clinical laboratory tests will be ordered to evaluate coagulation, glycemia and thyroid, if in the clinical history any abnormality is detected, additional examinations will be ordered. All our patients will be evaluated their blood pressure with heart monitor and if the patient requires conscious sedation, will be further evaluated by our anesthesiologist. All those hypertensive people, with hormonal problems such as thyroid or diabetic, are subject to control and regulation of their disease by their specialist doctor in each area, having controlled the condition, can have a normal life and be candidates without impediment to implant dental

Digital Impression

When planning the implant, an optical impression or digital impression of the mouth of our patient is made with the aim of having a 3D model of the teeth, in which the missing tooth will be designed and in this way manufacture the crown that will be placed on the implant with perfect function, color and aesthetics.
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    Having the 3D position of the crown processed, it is determined in the computer the correct location of the implant that will support said restoration either in porcelain or zirconium. Then he is ordered to computer and the CAD - CAM robotic system, manufacture a surgical guide for maximum precision when placing the implant. All our equipments are Sirona brand of Germany, Orthophos SL 3D tomograph, CEREC Omnicam intraoral scanner and CEREC MCXL Premium milling machine, in addition all our professional staff in the area has been trained and certified in Bensheim Germany with the Train the Trainer Integrated Implantology level and CEREC Trainer.

Surgical Guide CAD-CAM System

sthesis position, which simultaneously preserves and protects neighboring anatomical structures such as the paranasal sinuses, nasal passages, ocular orbits, nerves and blood vessels in the jaw.
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    The surgical guide is the result of a computer-based planning, prior to surgery, where the location of the crown is first determined from the aesthetic and functional point of view to then locate the implant with total three-dimensional control. All the previous planning is done in the computer, then ordered to a robotic machine (cad-cam) the manufacture of the guide in PMMA that is a rigid and transparent material, in which are the places where the drill will penetrate to prepare the implant bed. Given the high precision of a surgical guide, it is not necessary to use a scalpel, nor separate the gum from the bone to observe directly where the perforation will be made, suture is not done or stitches are taken, only a cut is made in the gingiva of 3 or 4 millimeters in diameter, round, where the drill penetrates and then the titanium implants with perfect direction and depth. With this high-tech procedure, without traumatizing the tissues and with little bleeding, the recovery is almost immediate, being able to return to work in a couple of hours.

Implant in the lateral incisor area

Patient who due to trauma lost the left lateral incisor, was placed an implant plus a provisional crown, 4 months later it is ready for the final restoration in porcelain.

Placing abutment to the implant

A customized Zirconium abutment was selected, which due to its white color does not translucent black or gray color of other metals.

Porcelain crown on the implant

The beauty and naturalness of the final restoration mimic it before the neighboring natural teeth.

Final smile

A smile may last a second, but it will remain in the memory of those who watch you for a lifetime.
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