Conscious sedation

Conscious sedation

Ask about conscious sedation for dental treatment in Cartagena

The management of pain and anxiety in dentistry has always been a giant challenge that seeks to improve the quality of the service, so we provide the alternative that offers us the supply of Nitrous Oxide + Oxygen as anxiolytic and analgesic while you are aware, dialoguing with Your dentist and collaborating with your treatment in a relaxed way, without fears and anxieties.

What is conscious sedation in dental implants?

It is a medically controlled state of depression of consciousness, preserving the protective reflexes, preserving the ability of the dental patient to maintain their ventilation or breathing independently and continuously. In addition to allowing the patient's response to physical stimuli and orders as he opens his mouth wider, he closes his mouth, breathes deeply, seeking patient collaboration to speed up the treatment.

This can be with Nitrous Oxide + Oxygen gas or it can be intravenously
The techniques of conscious sedation in the dental clinic aim to reduce anxiety, stress, fear and pain during dental treatments with the greatest possible comfort. To ensure this comfort and reduction of anxiety and pain during treatment, Dr. Insignares has anesthesiologists Dr. Ruben Carrasquilla and Dr. Antonio Marzan who will be present during all interventions performed under the conscious intravenous sedation technique.
  • Advantages of conscious sedation for dental implants
    1. Elimination of fear, anxiety and pain, dental local anesthesia will not hurt.
    2. Greater comfort and stability of the patient.
    3. Possibility of carrying out all the treatments with the dentist or implantologist in a single session.
    4. Total patient collaboration and facilitation of the dentist's work.
    5. Rapid recovery and better postoperative.
    6. The patient does not remember the surgical procedure performed.
    7. At the end in 3 or 5 minutes you have fully recovered your consciousness since it is NOT GENERAL ANESTHESIA.
Conscious sedation with Nitrous Oxide + Oxygen is the world's leading anxiolytic and analgesic technique, chosen by more than 50% of dentists in the United States.

Conscious sedation with Nitrous Oxide Oxygen

Nitrous Oxide known as hilarating gas or gas of laughter, was discovered more than 100 years ago and its use in dentistry dates back to that time.

In terms of safety we have been advancing, knowing all the experiences through which a dental patient transits, where only sitting in the chair represents a stress that in a totally healthy patient may go unnoticed, but that, in special conditions such as the hypertensive patient , With tendencies to present cardiac arrhythmias or history of heart disease, may have some repercussions against these states of emotional tension.

That is why, for several years we have been using a multiparameter heart monitor that allows us to detect early and timely clinical situations of the patient that otherwise could go unnoticed and put them at risk.
  • Our experience

    In our experience we have been able to detect some cardiovascular conditions that have been sufficient to delay the dental procedure and direct the patient to the corresponding specialist and then return to his dental treatment in conditions of maximum safety.

  • Advantage:

    The pain threshold goes up, analgesia. In only two or three minutes of gas inhalation, you can have your dental appointment relaxed, without fear, free of pain. You will have no reason to cancel your appointment, no more anxiety and tension for a dental treatment.

  • Can Nitrous Oxide be used in all patients?

    No. It is only used in those patients who do not present serious or terminal illnesses.

    Today our concern is based on the control of the stress generated in a high percentage by the pain that the patient can experience during the treatment, that is why we have tried to condition our service trying to guarantee the relief of the pain and for that we have chosen The most used analgesic technique in the world for the dental patient and corresponding to the use of nitrous oxide + oxygen.

    In order to guarantee the maximum safety for our patients we have been very careful and we have taken all the necessary time to gather as much information as possible about this analgesic technique and the supplier that guarantees us the equipment of latest technology, with more evidence in its Results and is endorsed by both national and international health authorities.

    We will continue to work for quality in the care of our patients and we will be able to certify the accreditation of our services by a competent authority.

It is not general anesthesia, it is anxiolysis and analgesia, you will not lose consciousness during the procedure.
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